Katsina Miniatures Crystal Spider Swarms

28mm, Bizaza, Creatures, Fantasy, Lizardmen, Slann, Uncategorized, Warhammer Fantasy

Working on my TOW Lizardmen army recently I went all in for some Spider Swarms using our very own spider models. They were sculpted by Doti and they are available here if you are interested in purchasing a swarm.

I wanted to have lots of bases of swarm but have a colour scheme to allow me to split them into units and so painted the legs in 4 different colours.

These spiders are Crystal Spiders and bear the crystal control implants to allow their Bizaza masters to direct them in battle and generally stop them from eating each other.

They were quick to paint up and should provide me with some interesting skirmish troops for Warhammer TOW as well as being useful for any future swarm or insects needs.

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