
28mm, Orks, Sculpting, Space Orks, Uncategorized, Warhammer 40K

Zardoz (1974)  is one of those movies that burned itself into my mind as a kid and it is not difficult to imagine why with imagery like this…






…Sean Connery in a wedding dress, yes indeed.

Expurgation of something like this from my mind calls for my calls for some Warhammer 40,000 catharsis.




Zardork has been built using the Savage Orc plastics from Games Workshop.  The base is a (edit, thanks Cheetor)30mm round base from EM4 miniatures and was kindly donated by Cheetor over at Sho3box, cheers dude!  The 30mm is a good fit for the wide stances of some of the models from the kit.  I hacked off any extraneous details from the model, reposed it and then did some green stuff sculpting to get him to look like Sean Connery in one of the most bizzare costumes in cinema history.  The gun is from the plastic Necromunda Goliath gangers in case you were wondering.



He is wearing a big ass ring which although not in the image above is from the movie none the less.  You will just have to watch the bugger if you want to know what that is about, perhaps more than once!  The ring is real plastic, just like the movie.





A WIP of the build:



He took me a fair while to make, but I think he was worth the effort.  Naturally now I feel the need to make an orky version of one of these for him to ride around in:


…and I’m spent. 😉